Working with Influencers

working with influencers
working with influencers

I was honoured to talk to the Taryn Williams of  Wink Models and Hash Gifted. In this session, we discuss working with influencers and scaling your business and brand awareness with influencers.

Taryn reviewed and provided feedback on businesses who have volunteered case study; 

Missed this insightful session with Taryn Williams? Watch Tayrn’s Creating a brand with influence session HERE.

Download our influencer checklist to optimise your business with influencers.

Key takeaways from working with influencers

  • Have a clear reason for using influencers, whether for brand awareness, repositioning, or reaching new audiences. Choose influencers who align with your brand’s values and purpose rather than focusing on vanity metrics.
  • 49% of consumers depend on influencers’ recommendations on social media as a trusted voice of authority. Identify your customer persona and their cross-platform use to effectively cater to and serve their needs.
  • Be creative in your influencer’s content creation and solve their pain points to bring value to your customer.
  • Establish a clear approval process and clarify content ownership rights.
  • Key performance indicators to track are reach, engagement, content quality and brand sentiment.
  • Engage with customers by replying to comments, answer frequently asked questions and solve pain points in Instagram highlights.
  • Use discount codes and bitly links to track sales influencers.
  • Map your customer journey and make it easy for them to convert. Use shoppable links, links in bio and Instagram highlights to guide the customer journey.

There are nine weekly masterclasses on Tuesdays at 12 – 1pm with some of Australia’s leading experts to share their knowledge on themes like digital channels, branding, storytelling and purpose-building with Australia’s leading experts and more.

Next Session: 4th April 2023; Finding power in your voice and story with Kylie Captain. Register for this session HERE.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Ecommerce predictions for 2023

Ecommerce predictions 2023

The online retail space constantly evolves, and staying ahead of the curve can be challenging. Here are my Ecommerce predictions for 2023 that will significantly impact the industry. Let’s look at these five factors and what they mean for retailers.

1. Connected Commerce

Bridging the Gap Between Online and In-Store Sales

My first Ecommerce predictions for 2023 is connected commerce.

While online sales have steadily increased, there is still a significant gap between online and in-store conversion rates. On average, online stores have a 2% conversion rate, while physical stores boast a 30% conversion rate. (yes, there are bots, and consumers are more likely to browse online – but the gap is still too big)

Fixing the digital experience is crucial, but connecting consumers more seamlessly to physical stores is also necessary. This is where Connected Commerce comes into play. Connected Commerce is about providing consumers with a seamless experience across all channels, whether they’re shopping online or in-store.

One company that is leading the way in Connected Commerce is Brauz. Brauz offers various services, including click-and-collect, reserve in-store, and even Uber delivery. By providing consumers with multiple delivery options, retailers can increase the likelihood of conversion and offer a more personalised experience.

Another company making strides in Connected Commerce is The Wishlist. The Wishlist is an online and in-store wishlist that allows consumers to save items they are interested in and purchase them later. This encourages repeat purchases and provides retailers with valuable consumer preferences and behaviour data.

While the concept of omnichannel retail has been around for some time, only some retailers genuinely utilise it to its full potential. Connected Commerce represents a significant opportunity for retailers to increase conversion rates and provide customers with a more personalised shopping experience. By investing in solutions like Brauz and The Wishlist, retailers can bridge the gap between online and in-store sales and drive growth in the future.

2. Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

What You Need to Know About the Upcoming Change

My second Ecommerce predictions for 2023 is GA4.

If you’re in the world of digital marketing, you may have already heard about the upcoming change to Google Analytics. By July 2023, everyone will need to switch to GA4, and this move will cause some disruption.

One of the biggest challenges of this switch is that GA4 does not bring historical data with it. If you don’t store that data separately, you will lose it. This can be a massive problem for businesses that rely on historical data to make strategic decisions.

In addition to the issue of historical data, the switch to GA4 will also change the metrics used to track user behaviour. The way GA4 tracks users is different from the traditional method, which means that metrics such as GA versus sessions will also be different. This can confuse and make it difficult to compare data over time.

Despite these challenges, there are some positives to the switch to GA4. For one, it will allow for a greater focus on attribution models. Retailers will get a more accurate picture of how each marketing channel contributes to conversions.

Furthermore, GA4 comes with some new features that will be helpful to businesses. One such feature is the ability to do audience targeting based on user behaviour. This can be extremely useful in creating targeted campaigns that are more likely to convert.

Finally, GA4 also offers predictive analysis powered by AI. This feature can be used to forecast future performance and identify potential areas of improvement.

While switching to GA4 will cause some disruption, staying ahead of the curve and preparing for the change is essential. By understanding the new metrics, focusing on attribution models, and leveraging new features like audience targeting and predictive analysis, businesses can make the most of this transition and set themselves up for success in future years.s

 Learn how to set up GA4 and use it. I will show you; 
  1. Enhanced Data Insights: GA4 offers cutting-edge machine learning capabilities, providing you with smarter and more accurate data insights.

  2. Streamlined Reporting: GA4’s interface allows you to customize your dashboard and generate streamlined reports that are easy to understand and act upon.

  3. Cross-platform Tracking

ecommerce predications 2023- GA4

Sign up for the 6 week Digital Growth program and get access to the GA4 masterclass.

3. Video Commerce

The rise of video commerce

My third Ecommerce predictions for 2023 is video commerce.

Retailers should pay attention to video commerce as a rapidly growing acquisition channel. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok, video content has become an essential part of the marketing mix. GA4 provides a more detailed view of video performance, making tracking and optimising video campaigns easier.

One great example of the power of video commerce comes from Moet Chandon, which saw incredible results from its video ad campaign. The campaign was highly engaging, with viewers watching the video for an average of 28 seconds. It also had a high conversion rate, with nearly 20% of viewers clicking through to the brand’s website.

Given the success of video commerce, retailers need to consider implementing a long-term strategy in this area. This could include creating high-quality product videos, influencer collaborations, or hosting live video shopping events. With the right approach, video commerce can be a highly effective way to drive traffic and sales for your ecommerce business.

ecommerce predications 2023- video commerce
ecommerce predications 2023- video commerce

4. AI

A real game changer for retailers 

My fourth Ecommerce predictions for 2023 is AI.

We all know the impact of ChatGPT.

With the launch of ChatGPT 4, it has now become more powerful than ever, and it’s changing the game in the content production industry. A piece of content that used to take hours to produce can now be done in minutes. This technology is still in its early stages, but it’s already proving to be a game-changer for retailers who want to save time and resources. While the AI model generates content automatically, humans still have an essential role to play. They need to review the content and add their unique touch to make it more authentic and appealing to the target audience. With this technology, content production has become more efficient, and retailers can now focus on other essential aspects of their business.

5. Search

Opportunity for me is always and still is organic search. 

My final Ecommerce predictions for 2023 is search.

I see too many retailers with paid as their number 1 – 2 channel. While paid advertising can provide quick results, it can also be costly and difficult to sustain long-term.

With the rising acquisition cost, retailers must look for alternative ways to drive traffic and sales to their ecommerce sites. Organic search provides a cost-effective way to do just that. Optimising your website for search engines and creating high-quality content that addresses the needs of your target audience, you can attract more traffic and generate more sales without relying on paid advertising.

With new tools like ChatGPT, it’s possible to gain a competitive edge in organic search and stay ahead of the competition. ChatGPT can help you identify the most relevant keywords and phrases to target in your content, create optimised product descriptions and meta tags, and provide insights into how users search for products in your industry. With this information, you can create a more effective SEO strategy to drive traffic and sales to your ecommerce site.

Organic search remains a valuable and sustainable channel for driving traffic and sales to ecommerce sites. With the rising cost of acquisition, retailers must focus on SEO and look for ways to optimise their websites and content to rank higher in search results.

The ability to develop content at scale very, very quickly. And talking about the topics your customers want to discuss engagingly will fundamentally change the landscape, and it will be a race to the top.

So get your content done, loaded onto your website, and tell Google who you are and your customers are.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Three steps to digital marketing growth

digital marketing growth
digital marketing growth

I was honoured to MC and speak in week 2 of reboot series. In this session, we discuss the key building blocks to digital marketing growth that will increase your online presence and revenue.

I reviewed and provided feedback on businesses who have volunteered  case study; 

Missed this insightful session with myself, Kelly Slessor? Watch Kelly’s 3 steps to digital marketing growth session HERE.

Download our digital growth checklist to optimise your business for online growth. 

Key takeaways from Three steps to digital marketing growth

  • Checking your website on mobile is crucial, as 70% of the website traffic comes from mobile devices.
  • Approximately 46% of search queries have a local intent, often using the “near me”.
  • The usage of “best (insert service or product) near me” has increased by 400%, highlighting the importance of local search.
  • One ideal customer is worth as much as 204 low-valued customers, emphasising the value of understanding and targeting your audience effectively.
  • Creating customer personas and using customer-friendly keywords instead of industry jargon can drive more customers and reduce the cost of acquisition.
  • Displaying your product or service’s value and addressing customer pain points through website design and social proof can help you build customer trust, loyalty and increase conversions.
  • Incognito mode can help you evaluate your website’s search visibility objectively and identify areas for improvement.
  • Optimizing your Google My Business page can help you attract potential customers searching for businesses in your area.
  • The top three businesses on Google typically receive 70% of search traffic, highlighting the importance of a strong online presence.
  • ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for developing content, but it’s essential to keep in mind your customer, keywords, and prompt.
  • Choosing the right social media channel to promote your product or service requires considering your customer’s preferences, your product, and your positioning on the channel.

There are nine weekly masterclasses on Tuesdays at 12 – 1pm with some of Australia’s leading experts to share their knowledge on themes like digital channels, branding, storytelling and purpose-building with Australia’s leading experts and more.

Next Session: 28th March 2023; Creating a brand with influence with Taryn Williams, WINK models. Register for this session HERE.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Archie Rose’s growth story

Archie Rose's growth

I was honoured to talk to the Will Edwards of Archie Rose, Australia’s most highly awarded distillery. In this session, we discuss Archie Rose’s growth story, tips on growing audience and the foundations for a successful business. 

He reviewed and provided feedback on businesses who have volunteered  case study; Byron Woolfrey, Managing Director at Trolley’d.

Missed this insightful session with Will Edwards? Watch Will’s the path to success session HERE.

Key takeaways from Archie Rose's growth

  • Gain insights and baseline understanding for viability by conducting meetings and research with stakeholders and asking questions.
  • Start growing your audience from logical, easy connections.  Start locally with people you know, like team members and then expand.
  • Ask the question, “Do you know anyone?”
  • Selling directly from the brand creates a connection to the brand, adds value and results in a warm customer experience.
  • Be cautious not to compete with your own wholesale channels  through your retail website.
  • Focus on SEO, website structure, architecture, and digital marketing.
  • Segmentation is key to catering to customers’ personal wants and interests with your brand.
  • When seeking partnerships, start with who you would love to work with and who aligns with you.  See what connections you have, or LinkedIn cold connect.
  • Consider what value you can bring compared to your competitors.
  • Don’t waste time on the confidentiality of your idea. If your business is going to fall over if someone does it too, it’s not the right business. Back yourself and be unique.
  • Diversity in brands and products builds resistance, helps to reach more customers, and increases revenue.
  • Customisation and segmentation make customers feel special and keep them loyal.
  • Create a loyalty program to keep them in your database, purchasing and happy.
  • Have a clear purpose and set achievable goals.
  • Use limited edition products to tell stories and be innovative.
  • Persistence is key.

There are nine weekly masterclasses on Tuesdays at 12 – 1pm with some of Australia’s leading experts to share their knowledge on themes like digital channels, branding, storytelling and purpose-building with Australia’s leading experts and more.

Next Session: 21st March 2023: 3 steps to digital marketing growth with myself, Kelly Slessor. Register for my session, HERE. 


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Top 50 People in Ecommerce 2023

Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2023

I am honoured to be a part of the Inside Retail judges’ team for the TOP 50 people in E-Commerce 2023!⁠

In today’s fast-paced digital age, ecommerce has become a crucial part of the retail industry. To recognize those who have made significant contributions to this sector, Inside Retail has released its Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2023 list. From innovative entrepreneurs to data-driven analysts, these individuals have been carefully selected for their influence and impact in the industry.

Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2023

Top 50 People in E-Commerce 2023

  1. Ellie Degraeve, Founder & Ceo, Go For Zero
  2. Steffen Daleng, Former CMO, Booktopia
  3. Erica Berchtold, CEO, The Iconic
  4. James Reu, E-Commerce Manager, LSKD
  5. Ben Hare, Director & COO, Tinyme
  6. Hannon Comazzetto, Founder & CEO, Airrobe
  7. Rob Rand, Founder & CEO, Knobby
  8. Rod Williams, GM Of Digital, Baby Bunting
  9. Lydia Bertini, Head Of Customer & People, Miss Amara
  10. Kirsten Kore, Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Designerex
  11. Adrian Rafter, Performance Marketing Lead, Quad Lock
  12. Brian Townshend, Gm Of Omni-Digital, Store Operations & Team Member Experience, Super Retail Group
  13. Nicola Clement, Former GM Of Omni-Experience, Myer
  14. Rob Godwin, Australasian Director & Head Of Commercial Operations, Lovehoney Group
  15. Josh Howard, Founder & CEO, Single Use Ain’t Sexy
  16. William Conditsis, Co-Director, Babyboo
  17. Airi Sutherland, Head Of Digital & Marketing, Billini
  18. Omar Sabré, Co-Founder, Ceo, Creative Director & Lead Product Designer, Maison De Sabré
  19. Lucas Ferrier, Senior Manager Of Digital Channels, Salvos Stores
  20. Matthew Horn, Gm Of Customer & Digital, Country Road Group
  21. Charlie Ganzen, E-Commerce Manager, Anz, Lovehoney Group
  22. Julie Mathers, CEO, Snuggle Hunny
  23. Brendan Gillen, CEO, Fight Gear Direct
  24. Geoff Huens, Co-Founder & Director, Beer Cartel
  25. Hannah Black, Chief Growth Officer, Lvly
  26. Dean Salakas, CEO, The Party People
  27. Mike Halligan, Co-Founder, Scratch
  28. Vanja Stace, Chief Experience Officer, King Living
  29. Oliver Ranck, Former Head Of Marketing, Mysale Group
  30. Natasha Neal, Senior Australasian Pr & Marketing Manager, Lovehoney Group
  31. Melissa Wilkinson, Founder, Personalised Favours
  32. Ashleigh Murray, Global Svp Of E-Commerce & Digital, Lyre’s Spirit Co
  33. Aisling Cunningham, Co-Founder, Lula Eye Mask
  34. Josh Mammoliti, Co-Founder & Director, The Blue Space
  35. Bronte Jacobson, Digital Growth Marketing Manager, Miss Amara
  36. Zoltan Csaki, Co-Founder, Citizen Wolf
  37. Heather Earl,E-Commerce & Digital Marketing Manager, Nutrition Warehouse Group
  38. Jason Daniel, Founder & CEO, LSKD
  39. Lottie Dalziel, Founder, Banish
  40. Jaylon Martin, Head Of E-Commerce & Technology, Makeup Cartel Brands
  41. Aaron Lum, Head Of Rewards Store, Qantas
  42. Rob Ward, Co-Founder & Chief Growth Officer, Quad Lock
  43. Matthew Mosse-Robinson, CEO, Personalised Favours
  44. Tracy Jones-Harris, Head Of Digital & E-Commerce, Camilla
  45. Argylica Conditsis, Founder & Director, Babyboo
  46. Niccii Kugler, Founder, Nash + Banks
  47. Matthew Banks, Founder, Merchants Of The Sun
  48. Leah Tu’inukuafe, E-Commerce Manager, Motto Fashions
  49. Alexander Babich, Founder & Managing Director, Kulani Kinis
  50. Rebecca Smith, Former Chief Marketing & Digital Officer, Frank Green

Congratulations to everyone in the top 50 🙌 Well done and well deserved!⁠

Download the full report and discover more HERE.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023

City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023
City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023

I am excited to announce that I am hosting the City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023. 🥳

It involves nine free business webinars developed to support businesses recover, rebuild, engage and grow their customers and revenue in response to the pandemic.These will be weekly masterclasses on Tuesdays at 12 – 1pm with some of Australia’s leading experts to share their knowledge on themes like digital channels, branding, storytelling and purpose-building with Australia’s leading experts.

Archie Rose Founder Will Edwards, Merivale Group CEO Justin Hemmes and one of Australia’s Top Female Entrepreneurs And CEO And Founder Of Wink Models, Taryn Williams, are some of the industry leaders who will participate in this year’s Reboot Series.

Join our free, nine weekly Reboot webinars to sharpen your digital content skills and grow your customers and brand.

Discover our incredible City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023, featuring industry experts who will offer valuable insights and guidance for your ecommerce and in-store business. take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to learn and grow!

City of Sydney Reboot Series 2023 speakers

I am delighted to be hosting these events, brought to you by the City of Sydney.

  1. Building foundations for a successful business with Will Edwards, Archie Rose on 14th March 
  2. 3 steps to digital marketing growth with myself on 21st March 
  3. Creating a brand with influence with Taryn Williams, Wink Models on 28th March 
  4. Finding power in your voice and story with Kylie Captain, Dream Big on 4th April
  5. Networking for growth with Janine Garner, Business Mentor & best selling author on 2nd May
  6. Transforming your business into a powerhouse with Justin Hemmes, Merivale on 9th May 
  7. Start selling more to more customers with Victoria Butt, Evolve Sales Training on 16th May
  8. The secrets to rapid online growth with Julie Mathers, Snuggle Hunny and Jane Cay, Birdnest  on 23rd May
  9. Building a purpose-driven business with Hunter Johnson, Man Cave and STUFF on 30th May

Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Mobile Ecommerce is killing your sales.

Mobile Ecommerce

When was the last time you checked your website on mobile ecommerce?

Did you know approx. 70% of traffic to your website is coming from a mobile device? but if you look at the conversion rate, it’s nearly half that of your desktop…. at around 1%.

With the majority of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, it’s more important than ever for retailers to have a mobile-friendly website.

Mobile Ecommerce

What this says to me is that your customers want to buy, but the mobile experience is sooooooo bad.

Your customer has to jump onto the desktop to complete their journey, and in the process, you are losing a lot of customers and revenue!

As humans, we are easily distracted.

Maybe they didn’t need those shoes after all,

Maybe they saw a competing product and went elsewhere,

OR maybe the dog screamed, the cat barked, and the kid meowed,

and they got distracted and totally forgot about shoes (that never happens to me 🤣).

The Consequences of Not Being Mobile- Ecommerce -Friendly

A non-mobile-friendly website can have several negative consequences for retailers, including:

  1. Poor User Experience: A website that is not optimized for mobile devices can be difficult to navigate and read, leading to a poor user experience.

  2. Decreased Visibility: Google favors mobile-friendly websites and prioritizes them in search results, meaning that a non-mobile-friendly website may be pushed down in search rankings and become less visible to potential customers.

  3. High Bounce Rates: A non-mobile-friendly website may have a high bounce rate, as visitors are more likely to leave a website that is difficult to navigate or read on their mobile device.

Why Ignoring Mobile-Friendliness Could Be Killing Your Traffic and Sales?

Ignoring the importance of mobile-friendliness could have a serious impact on your traffic and sales. With more and more people using their mobile devices to browse the internet, having a non-mobile-friendly website can mean missing out on a large portion of potential customers. This is particularly true for ecommerce retailers, as customers are increasingly using their mobile devices to shop online.

In addition to losing potential customers, a non-mobile-friendly website can also negatively impact your search engine rankings, making it even harder for potential customers to find your website.

So mobile ecommerce is killing your sales......

Here are three things you can do today to fix it!

1. Check your Google Analytics – to if your mobile experience is killing your sales
Go to google analytics, > Audience > Mobile. In GA4 just type “tech overview”. It will give you a summary of your mobile traffic

2. Check your Mobile speed- A slow-loading website can lead to high bounce rates and low dwell time, negatively impacting your website’s ranking.

Use Google’s PageSpeed Insights to measure your website’s speed and make improvements. If it is slow and you get the dreaded big red circle… then try compressing your images and remove any plugins you are not using.

3. Walk through your customer journey on mobile…

Go through your user experience on your mobile. Identify what’s working and what’s not and fix it. Often your website looks totally different on mobile.

Benefits of having mobile ecommerce friendly website

  1. Improved User Experience: A mobile-friendly website is optimized for smaller screens and touch-based navigation, making it easier for users to navigate and interact with the website.

  2. Increased Traffic: With the majority of internet traffic coming from mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website can increase your website’s visibility and attract more visitors.

  3. Higher Search Engine Rankings: Google favors mobile-friendly websites and prioritizes them in search results, meaning that a mobile-friendly website can improve your search engine rankings.

  4. Lower Bounce Rates: A mobile-friendly website can lead to lower bounce rates, as visitors are more likely to stay on a website that is easy to navigate and read on their mobile device.

  5. Improved Conversion Rates: A mobile-friendly website can improve conversion rates, as visitors are more likely to make a purchase or take an action on a website that is optimized for their device.

  6. Competitive Advantage: With more and more businesses optimizing their websites for mobile devices, having a mobile-friendly website can give you a competitive advantage and help you stand out from the crowd.

  7. Cost-Effective: Making your website mobile-friendly doesn’t have to be expensive. With responsive design and other mobile-friendly technologies, you can make your website mobile-friendly without breaking the bank.

Having a mobile ecommerce friendly website is essential for retailers looking to maximize their traffic and sales. A non-mobile-friendly website can have serious negative consequences, including a poor user experience, decreased visibility, and high bounce rates. By testing your website’s mobile-friendliness and taking steps to make it more mobile-friendly, you can ensure that your website is accessible to the growing number of mobile users and stay ahead of the competition.

Book a 15 min free website review with an ecommerce coach to get expert advice on optimizing your website for increased traffic and sales. This is a great opportunity to get personalized feedback and actionable insights on improving your online store. Don’t miss out on this valuable resource!


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

Ecommerce Expert | Overcoming digital hurdles

Ecommerce Expert

The ecommerce industry is growing rapidly, and more retailers are now moving their businesses online to reach a wider audience. However, with the growing competition in the digital space, retailers may face a number of challenges that can hinder their success. This is where an ecommerce expert can be of great help.


On average in-store conversions are at 30%, food retail at 90%, and digital converts at 2%, which clearly shows we are doing something really wrong with this digital stuff.⁠ ⁠ This is what you can do about it:⁠ ⁠

✅ Good product images get 30% more conversions.

⁠✅ Write in the “voice of the customer”, look at your reviews, listen to your customers in-store and use their language in your product descriptions.

✅ Simple checkout. Reducing the number of fields on a form from 4 to 3 can increase conversion rates by 50%.⁠

✅ Speed – having a fast website is so important that Google ranks you on it.⁠

✅ A strong call to action. Make sure your buttons clearly stand out and use colour psychology. Don’t use red!⁠ ⁠ 

Want to hear more… Listen below. Thank you to Humble Brags & Shopping bags for having me.

Common digital hurdles faced by retailers

  1. Increased competition: With the rise in ecommerce businesses, the competition has also increased significantly. Retailers may find it difficult to stand out among the crowd and attract their target audience.
  2. Lack of expertise: Many retailers may not have the necessary expertise to successfully run an ecommerce business. This can lead to poor website design, ineffective marketing strategies, and low conversion rates.

  3. Limited budget: Ecommerce businesses require a significant investment in marketing, website development, and other operational costs. Small retailers may struggle with limited budgets, making it difficult to compete with larger businesses.

  4. Inadequate data analysis: Retailers may struggle with analyzing their website and marketing data, which can lead to poor decision making and ineffective strategies.

How an ecommerce expert can help

  1. Digital strategy development: An ecommerce expert can work with retailers to develop a comprehensive digital strategy that includes website design, marketing strategies, and operational procedures. This can help retailers stand out in a crowded market and attract their target audience.

  2. Expertise and guidance: Ecommerce experts have the necessary expertise to help retailers design effective websites, implement marketing strategies, and analyze data. They can provide guidance and support throughout the entire process.

  3. Budget optimization: They can help retailers optimize their budget by identifying areas where costs can be reduced and developing cost-effective marketing strategies.

  4. Data analysis: Ecommerce experts can help retailers analyze their website and marketing data to identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions

The ecommerce industry is highly competitive and retailers may face a number of digital hurdles. However, by hiring an ecommerce consultant, retailers can overcome these challenges and achieve success in the digital space. Ecommerce experts like myself can provide expertise, guidance, and support throughout the entire process, from developing a comprehensive digital strategy to analyzing data and making data-driven decisions. By doing so, ecommerce experts can help retailers optimize their website, marketing strategies, and budget, ultimately leading to increased sales and long-term success in the ecommerce industry.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce

5 Ecommerce tools to grow your sales

Ecommerce tools

In today’s digital era, ecommerce businesses are faced with the challenge of attracting and retaining customers in a highly competitive market. Fortunately, there are several tools available that can help ecommerce retailers increase sales and improve customer satisfaction.

Best Ecommerce tools

1. Newsletter forms

Newsletters are an excellent way to keep your customers informed about new products, promotions, and other important updates. By including a newsletter sign-up form on your website, you can easily build an email list of interested customers who are likely to make a purchase.

To maximize the effectiveness of your newsletter form:

  • Make sure it is easy to find and sign up for.
  • Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) that encourages subscribers to make a purchase.

2. Chatbots

Chatboxes such as Tidio are another great ecommerce tool that can help you increase sales. They allow customers to have real-time conversations with your customer service team. This can help to resolve any issues or answer any questions they may have. By providing a quick and convenient way for customers to get in touch:

  • You can improve their overall shopping experience
  • Increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

This not only improves the customer experience, but it also helps to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

3. Testimonials and social proof

Testimonials are a powerful way to build trust with potential customers. By including testimonials from real customers on your website:

  • You can demonstrate the high quality of your products and services
  • Show that other people have had positive experiences with your business.
  • This is a digital word of mouth and trust building.

🔥Hot tip: When selecting testimonials to include on your website, look for ones that highlight the specific benefits of your products or services, and consider including photos or video to make them more engaging.

Ecommerce tools- Testimonials

4. Cart abandonment email flows

Cart abandonment is a common issue in ecommerce, with up to 69% of online shopping carts being abandoned.

By setting up cart abandonment email flows, you can automatically send follow-up emails to customers who have added items to their cart but have not completed their purchase.

These emails can include reminders about the items they left behind, as well as special promotions or discounts to encourage them to complete their purchase.

Ecommerce tools- Cart abandonment email flows

5. Multiple payment methods

Offering multiple payment methods is another essential ecommerce tools that can help you increase sales. By providing customers with a variety of options:

  • You can make it easier for customers to complete their purchase
  • Improve their overall shopping experience.

Popular payment methods include credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, After Pay, and it’s important to consider the security and convenience of each option when selecting which payment methods to offer.

Ecommerce tools- multiple payments

Kelly Slessor

Kelly Slessor is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

ChatGPT for Retail Ecommerce

ChatGPT for Retail Ecommerce
I’m in love.. with ChatGPT for Retail Ecommerce
You see my 3 superpowers are to save you money, make you money, and save you time with all things digital.
ChatGPT does all of the above…
I speak to hundreds of retailers and one of the biggest opportunities but equally time consumers are content creation 
It’s hard..we generally overthink it, the perfectionist in us cringes when we re-read it, and quite frankly, most of you don’t have the time or resources to produce great content.  
If you haven’t got on the crack yet… and have no idea what I am talking about, here’s a quick intro to the biggest technology development in 2022….  one that will revolutionise retail and change the way we produce content.

Chat GPT uses advanced algorithms to analyse large amounts of data and is capable of generating text responses to questions and prompts in a conversational manner. In short, it’s going to save you days…..

The opportunity for retailers is literally insane!

ChatGPT will have a huge impact on retail and ecommerce, its ability to deliver personalised, real-time customer content will improve your shopping experience, increase sales and reduce churn whilst saving you time.

It is the biggest technology development we will see in 2023.

ChatGPT for Retail Ecommerce

Find out how to

✅ To develop your Digital Marketing Plan

✅ Write Product descriptions,

✅ Write blog posts optimised for SEO (Google Organic Search)

✅ Write emails, social media content & ads

✅ Optimise your website and the Future applications of ChatGPT Join me for a simple, how-to use ChatGPT to save you money and time and increase sales.

Join me for a simple, how-to use ChatGPT to save you money and time and increase sales.


Kelly Slessor, is an Ecommerce Coach and a digital marketing expert. Passionate about retail, hospitality and retail service providers. As the founder and CEO of Shop You, an AI powered personalised virtual shopping mall she has spent 20 years building retail technology that responds to customer needs, drives conversions and increases revenue. Over the past year she has worked with over 1000 retailers and hospitality providers. If you want discover more about digital growth and optimisation, work with me.

Google Gemini for ecommerce